Matching the beauty, solemnity and serenity of Bhutan’s mythical district Bumthang, Rinchenling Resort is a one-stop resort. Five minute walk from one of the Kingdom’s most sacred sites, Jampa Lhakhang, Rincheling symbolizes the Bhutanese spirit in all aspects, from its architectural designs to the facilities offered.

Surrounded by beautiful pines on one side, the 2.8 acres resort has ample space for one to relish, relax and walk along its lawns which envelopes the dozens of apple trees. A family run venture, Rinchenling Resort has the perfect atmosphere and facilities for catering to the needs of your body, mind and speech.

If you are looking for peace in the blessed land, knock on the doors of Rinchenling and walk in.

In search for a better place, you may miss the best.